Oke guys, we have learned about just little introducing of speaking very
important by ourselves. Now we will learn about speaking. What is the
is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and
receiving and processing
Harmer, (2001: 269) :
ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features,
but also the ability to process information and language on the spot.”
So, based on statement above that speaking is some
way to communicate with other person and it occurs including participant or
purposes for speaking so that they can share and communicate their opinion or
information. Speaking not only need knowledge of language features background to start it but
also the process of language information itself. To speak make sure that the
idea and speech are related which can be placed in correct way.
foreign language is quite difficult. The participant need to understand the
content of word especially when they do a conversation. Between speaker and
listener should interact each other and understand what speaker says. So that
they can’t get misunderstanding with each other.
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